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Pizza For Guys


Pizza For Guys was a Tumblr-hosted webcomic that I wrote, illustrated and published weekly from 2012 to 2013.


Meta and self-aware humour was the core of the strip. The characters discussed the making of a webcomic and were completely aware that they were the webcomic that they discussed. Stories would often feature aspects directly affecting the strip, such as comments from users or the tools used to make the strip (GIMP). The scene was generally the same to keep production efforts to a minimum—a common exception was when the Fourth Wall was featured (a recurring secondary character).

The tagline was, “A webcomic about the webcomic it’s about.”


  • Guy. A classic stick figure and the author of the webcomic. Naive and optimistic.
  • Pizza. A piece of pizza, Guy’s roommate (I guess?), the so-called straight man, pessimist, and foil to Guy’s antics.
  • The Fourth Wall. Literally a face in the wall—the wall that was typically not visible. Emulated the Reader’s reactions.
  • Deputy Police Chief J. Brannagan. Minor character to support subplots, named after a real person thanks to an inside joke with a coworker.
  • Snaleap. A snake that only says, “Baba,” or similar. Brannagan’s sidekick.
  • President of the Snakes and Ladders Federation. He was around for like one strip before he gets vaporized by Snaleap. Things got weird, okay?


I kept a fairly consistent weekly schedule for almost exactly a year.

57 strips were published between December 2012 and 2013. The site remained live until 2019 when I decided not to renew the domain.

All the content still lives on the Internet in some form—in rough reverse chronological order you can see most strips on the Pizza For Girls Pinterest sister project.

Below are a few of the most popular strips.




  • Jordy's Role Writer, illustrator, publisher, webmaster
  • Dates 2012-2013