A tailored guide to navigating the most common challenges in digital and social media marketing


Designed for organizations who need help with digital marketing's most common questions

What kind of content should I make? Where should I post it? What about social media? How much do I invest, in who, and when?

Based on your specific needs, the Compass includes:

Digital marketing SWOT

Analysis + action items

Future proofed frameworks

For ROI, resourcing, and creative

An original creative premise

Yours to use however you like

1:1 consulting

In time blocks convenient to you

The Compass is not:

The Compass is a robust analysis, toolkit and series of frameworks, intended to arm you or your team with the vocabulary, mindset and direction to efficiently tackle strategies, calendars and other needs.

My name is Jordy, and I’ve been professionally solving digital marketing problems for over a decade

I’ve done this across dozens of industries, for organizations ranging from sole practitioners to multinational conglomerates. I’ve done it from within agency, on the client side, and as a freelancer.

There are striking commonalities that underpin most digital marketing problems, uniting small family owned businesses, startups, large corporations and governments alike. The Compass is the culmination, organization, and articulation of these commonalitiestailored to your situation, and delivered in under a week.

Cost: $1,750.00 CAD

Plus tax • Online invoice • Credit card, PayPal, eTransfer

5 day turnaround

Work starts after signing paperwork and completing a deposit

How it works

Before any obligation or payment:

* I am happy to sign an NDA prior to your completion of the survey if required. please proceed directly to booking a call if this option is for you.

If everyone is comfortable moving forward

Compass details

Here’s exactly what you receive for your $1,750

A comprehensive presentation deck that covers the following:

Reference material. Some of the concepts, frameworks, approaches and examples in The Compass have deeper detail not suitable for a slideshow presentation. A number of standalone PDF files are included in the final delivery, such as:

Consulting: up to two hours of call time, broken into time blocks to suit your schedule.

Organizations I’ve worked with

The Compass begins with a no-obligation survey of your organization’s needs

© 2024 Jordy Fujiwara

Art credits


Compass illustration & rosette design by Jennie Ziemianin

Photo 1 by Andrew Neel from Pexels

Photo 2 by Ekrulila from Pexels

Photo 3 by Ekrulila from Pexels

Photo 4 by Element5 Digital from Pexels